Britt Lawrence

introducing my "eclectic" life

Nice to meet you!

Writer. Dreamer. Doer. Not always in that order.

While covering "reel" life for nearly a decade, it is also time to focus on the "real" one. Welcome to my eclectic life! It is not always glamorous but it is mine. Fun fact: I love my dog Chewy, traveling, adventure, TV, movies, and a good mystery.
Britt and Chewy

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favorites of the month

Why (And How) I Realized I Wear A Different Kind Of Mask
One of the things that you may not think about when you consider someone living with chronic pain i…
I Have A Bad Case Of Wanderlust And It Is Crushing Me
Wanderlust. I have it, and it is not going away any time soon. For me, the feeling manifests, and l…
Why 'Heartland' Is The Only TV Show Keeping Me Going
Ever feel like you are lost? You are not alone. It has been a trying time for the world the past tw…
Is The Worst Month I Have Ever Endured Almost Over?
What. A. Month. It has been one of the toughest of my life, and if I had known what would lie ahead…